Organisation Chart and Sub Committees

Management Committee - At least once every three months
Discipline Committee - As required

Stephen Pike (Chairman)

A discipline panel is made up from members of the committee. Where a committee member declares a conflict of interest in a case, that committee member will be asked to leave the room while the case is determined and will take no part in the discussion or adjudication.

Mr P Watson will attend as Discipline Secretary and will be supported by the various league secretaries, who may provide information upon which cases are based. The league secretaries will not vote on cases relating to their respective leagues.

All aspects of committee work will be conducted based on the table below with meetings, other than those detailed above, convened as required by the relevant head of section.

Chair Secretarial Finance Governance Development General Purposes
M Maidment Head: N Speed Head: J Joyce Head: M Pomeroy Head: S Pike Head: S Pike

J Corben

S Elliott

J Fancy

M Pomeroy

P Watson

J Elliott

D Hansford

G Pike

N Speed

C Brown

J Elliott

S Elliott

J Fancy

M Fowler

P Gibbons

D Hansford

G Pike

S Pike

N Speed

J Corben

J Fancy

P Gibbons

D Hansford

M Pomeroy

N Speed

P Watson

J Corben

P Watson

Any member of the Management Committee

AGM and Meetings Annual Accounts Fixtures and Results Codes of Conduct Discipline
Correspondence Budgets League Constitution Rules Revision
County FA Liaison Business Plan Match Days Welfare
Fairplay Honoraria Referees Women's League
Handbook Procurement Ground Grading
Minutes of Meetings The England Football Accreditation Scheme